How can I increase RNS from CLC?

Home Forums Sales Tips How can I increase RNS from CLC?

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    • #2268

        Log into your CLC portal on a regular basis to ensure your check inn score is 80 or above. This will make you viewable on their mobile app and in their preferred directories.

        What else have you done to increase business from this account?

      • #2638

          COVID-19 CLC asked if companies would be willing to lower the rate offered. We lowered our rate by $5.00 and saw an increase in sales. Also, make sure your score is above 80. The higher the score the better you look to the potential client.

          • #2639

              You are spot on @AllentownPark747… CLC reached out to many partners offerring the chance to reduce or offer “temporary rate reductions” in light of the impact od Covid 19. I am glad that your strategy has paid off for you. Your Check Inn score is very important like you mention as it increases your visibility in client directories that you are Check Inn Certified.

              We have been hearing from some Hoteliers that have requested to return to the regular CLC rate and CLC declined at this time causing some frustration…

              Keep us posted on your progress and take care!

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